Barry McAdam - Fermanagh
Barry grew up in Enniskillen and draws inspiration from the big skies over the ever present River Erne. From the summer sitting on a jetty at Riverside to looking in wonder over the 'new bridge' at the power of the winter swirling and bubbling water, even the earliest memories have the Erne flowing through them. When it comes to capturing this in words you can't get better than Seamus Heaney.
"Stand on a hill in South Fermanagh and the winding banks of Erne are all about you. It looks as if the whole county could be floating on water.... Here you have a flirtation between light and shadow, between land and sky, between earth and heaven".
It is this flirtation that Barry aims to capture in jubilant colour, unpredicatable flows and familiar places for those living near and for those who occasionally stand and wonder at the beautiful county around them.
Indeed, living for four years in Derry meant that the Foyle and Magee just had to make an appearance :)